Where Should I Buy A Pet Bird?

Without wishing to denigrate the many scrupulously honest pet dealers who operate in this country, I recommend the prospective pet-owner to buy his or her bird direct from the breeder. Seeing the quality of stock from which the proposed pet originates is a useful guide to the quality of the individual itself. This is obviously particularly important if the newcomer is intended to be part of a breeding colony. It is not always true that the physically perfect specimen reproduces perfectly. But if the family of that bird is seen to be of uniformly high standard, then it is reasonable to assume that the desirable traits are an inherited quality which will be passed on through the progeny.

Even when a bird is to be a singly kept pet, it is helpful to buy from the breeder. He can provide information about the kind of diet the chick is accustomed to, which will help speedy acclimatization to the new home. Most breeders will be happy to advise the novice in cage bird keeping, and to act as an information bureau for useful local names and addresses, such as that of a vet who is a specialist in handling bird cases.

For canaries, British birds, foreign finches and exotic birds, the best buying time is late summer or early autumn.

By then the new season’s chicks will have achieved their first adult plumage and, singing types will be warbling their first songs, so that sexing is infinitely easier. Budgerigar breeders, aware of the appeal of a new pet as a Christmas present, have managed to regulate the sex cycles of their stock so that chicks of the marketable age of six weeks plus are available during the festive season, are hardier and healthy throughout their lives as a result of this.

The journal Cage birds regularly lists the meetings of local breed societies and through contact with the secretary of such an organization it should be possible to get the names of several breeders specializing in each type of bird. As with all purchases, shopping around before making a final decision generally ensures value for money. Before buying a pet bird, visits to various aviaries will also help the beginner to build up a fund of useful knowledge about the species he or she wants to keep.

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