A cage bird should have
plenty of access to light and fresh air. However no bird cage should be
suspended permanently in the broiling sunlight with any shade available to its
occupant. Such thoughtless sitting can result in faints or even fatalities.
Equally a bird should be kept in a drought free place. Draughts are especially
dangerous to the canary and finch family, but adversely affect almost all
birds. Bird shelters out of doors should be frost proof and damp proof in the
roost area.
As well as having
shelter from direct sunlight, cages which contain indoor pets will need to be
covered with a light cloth at night. A bird’s natural behavior is to roost at
dusk for most birds are virtually ’night blind’. A bird, constantly exposed to
electric light during what, for him, should be hours of rest, could develop
dietary problems through overeating. Birds continue to feed through all the
hours of daylight and may well develop exhaustion symptoms through not having
the proper quota of rest.
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